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“Here and there.”

            When I was about seventeen, I decided to move abroad to study Fashion Design. I did not know which city will be the best for me to continue on my journey of finding out which field should I continue focusing on the most. Luckily the agency Academix helped me to make a choice, to be more specific it was one of the agents Mrs. Gulseda who helped to make a wise choice in the city and the school.

Mrs. Gulseda helped me to find an amazing school of Arts, Idyllwild Arts Academy that is equally strong academically and art-wise. The choices were between Florida and California. And I settled in California Los Angeles. It was a perfect place for me to fit in since every student was unique, stylish, and curious to learn about the fashion world and Arts in general. It was difficult at first to be away from home and my family with eleven-hour travel time, but I managed to adapt to a new environment, make friends and even some of my own works were exhibited in a school museum. I finished my last year at Idyllwild Arts Academy with the fashion show of my collection.

Hollywood (walk of fame) and Hollywood sign 2015 

In 2017 it was quite a difficult time for me, I was still trying to figure out my life and which direction I should follow continuing on my journey as a Fashion Designer. I was good at sketching and illustrating but never at sewing. As a Fashion Designer, I should be good at both sewing and sketching. The technical part was the most important part of Fashion Design then there is sketching and a lineup of models with outfits that will be demonstrated on the platform. The creative part was easier for me rather than the technical part, but I figured with more practice and hard work I will improve my skills to the point where I will be completely satisfied with the work I am doing.

Idyllwild Arts 2016, Fashion Show

California was a beautiful place to live in and study, always sunny and sometimes windy. People are welcoming and always there to help you out especially if you are not local and an international student. When I just had arrived at Idyllwild Arts Academy it took my breath away just to look at nature and realizing that I will be studying there for two years. It was full of warm and welcoming people, there was always fun and cozy events at the campus. We used to have movie nights with the whole school in front of the big fireplace, dance nights, and coffeehouse with jazz music. I will always remember the fun times of Idyllwild Arts and its supportive community throughout my whole life.

However, it was just the beginning of my journey as a Fashion Designer. In order to improve my skills at sewing and dive more into the Fashion World, with the help of Academix I moved to Milan, Italy where I studied at Istituto Marangoni – Fashion Design BA. With a great portfolio system that the school has developed, I was able to make my own portfolio within a month. Every semester all of the students had to make their own creative portfolios that included: mood boards, color charts, technical charts, model line ups, and marketing strategy plans.

Milan, Italy - Istituto Marangoni 2018

I enjoyed my three years in Milan. It is the right place to be if you would like to learn more about Fashion and take a closer look at the work in the Fashion Industry. I worked as an assistant for Annakiki Fashion Show, it was fulfilling and a bonus to my resume. There is a lot of work during Fashion Week and you can’t help it but be there, see it with your own eyes and experience it fully with such excitement in your body.

Although it was the brightest and greatest experience of my life, I decided to finish my studies by completing it with a master's in Fashion Marketing. Thankfully with the help of Academix counselor Mrs. Gulseda, I moved to London. And I think it is the best choice I have made so far. London is a bit of everything it is literally a breath of fresh air. It’s both ancient and innovative at the same time. The Fashion World here is full of creativity where in Milan it is mainly classic and conservative. I am excited to continue on learning Fashion Marketing and hopefully, in the future, I will stop moving places and settle down in one city, and so far, London is the city where I see my future to finally settle down and further my career.

Academix Danışmanı: Gülseda Çelik, Antalya Şubesi
t : +90 242 316 34 40 | c: +90 530 405 69 89

Bekbolat Esirkepov

Bekbolat Esirkepov


İngiltere'de MA Communication öğrencisi

Academix Hakkında

Academix Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlık olarak 1996'dan beri dünyadaki pek çok prestijli dil okulu, lise ve üniversitenin Türkiye kayıt ofisi olarak çalışmaktayız. Tüm öğrencilerimize okul ve program seçiminden, kayıt işlemlerine, vize işlemlerinden, seyahat organizasyonuna kadar tüm aşamalarda ücretsiz danışmanlık sunmaktayız.Neden yurtdışı eğitim danışmalık hizmeti almalısınız?

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